Saturday, August 16, 2008

Post log 200808170152 PJs

PJs - Stands for Jokes which are Poor, Private, Pffft, Puh-lease, etc.

My spouse actually got some today, PJs that is.
How do you fit an elephant in a fridge?
You open the door and put it in - simple.
How do you fit a camel in the fridge?
If you are thinking, open the door and put it in, you are forgetting one thing, you need to take the elephant out!
How do you fit 4 elephants in a car?
2 in the front, 2 in the back - he he he.
How do you fit 4 giraffes in a car?
now, now, you can't take the elephants out, the giraffes don't like to get into the car!!!
Do you want to hear a dirty joke?
2 pigs fell into the yuck.
An even dirtier joke...
2 fell in, 3 came out.
The desert fox decided to call all the animals for a meeting, everyone attended except for the camel, why?
Aren't you forgetting something, he's still in the refrigerator!!!!!!!!!
I had a friend, who used to go on and on and hit the final one - oh it was just funny. I maintain that generally PJs, unlike regular jokes, are for the laughing benefit of the narrator and other potential narrators. You have to "GET" them.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Post log 200808062233 love

Yes, watching Battlestar Galactica with spouse is always fun. Never thought my spouse would get hooked onto it - likes the drama, the action, everything. Didn't much care for Stargate SG-1 but like Atlantis.

Watched the movie "La Chamade" - interesting, very real life. A woman for whom love and the good life don't mix, and in the end, she loses both. Seems like. However, the way men look at her and are enamoured with her, she can get the good life back if she so choses.
Now love, that's a different story, she's just happy being with Antoine and only wishes that he only love her - she even claims that he's the only one she'll ever love and I think she meant it.

Cave man theory for love is the desire to be with someone, more than anyone else (and for some at that moment - Don Juan deMarco said, "I've loved only one woman .... at a time").
The basic purpose of the man on this earth is procreation, since before all, above all, man is a living organism. As man has "civilized" and evolved, this basic purpose has taken on complex meaning in life, including love. (Hind sight being 20-20, how many of our crushes felt like love, while they were in progress).
Love is stubbornness ... it is perfect for raising a family. I think that is the reason people separate after being together for decades. Children are a great "on".
That is the reason why "arranged-marriage" has worked so well and continues to do so. It depends on the ability of humans to compromise and chart a common goal in life.
"Love-marriage" is an arrangement which you make on your own, all the way.
We have turn-ons and turn-offs in life, whoever fits and stays on the "on" side, will continue to make us happy, else people suffer or separate or both.

The First Post - long haired women

As chaotic is my progress, so will it be reflected here.
Always fascinated by how man's choices might be related to his evolution.
I've generally been teased about my 'theories' and not too kindly too.
Well, they are not *MY* theories, just stuff I've read about, retained and "transliterated" rephrased.

Start of with, why do most men like long hair? - A residual cave man mentality, the ability or the potential, to drag a woman back to his cave - just like the hour-glass figure is, or during leaner times, a plump shape of a woman was, generally desired.

So I read a T-shirt which said,
"There are 10 types of people, those who get binary, and those who don't"